Surface treatment
We offer surface treatment including wet painting and powder coating. With long experience and in close cooperation with our customers, we have developed methods to meet the high quality requirements that are set. Staying close to the customer is as always a part of our foundation and we do this by being responsive and agile in both actions and communication.
Our customers come from various industrial segments, including the energy and forest industry.
Surface finishing of components can be both aesthetic and technical to meet the requirements of the customer in their final application. The production is mainly focused on smaller series of parts with short lead times and quick changes in the production flow.
We have two plants for surface treatment, one of which can handle goods for wet painting with lengths up to about 20 meters.
In our wet painting plant for smaller goods, we have invested in a state-of-the-art painting- equipment which increases our capacity.
Contact us
Inducore manufactures metal products as a subcontractor for, among others, the automotive industry, in CNC controlled machines.
In the area of component manufacturing, Inducore´s operative units offer partial and total solutions for machining and sheet metal working. Operations include cutting, welding, systems assembly, contract manufacturing and logistics solutions.