Quality, Environment & Sustainability

Quality, environmental and sustainability considerations are a priority in everything we do.


The Inducore Group strives to create a progressive work environment and fast decision-making processes, while encouraging cross-functional cooperation between different units. We see this approach as an essential platform on which to create the best products and services for the Group’s customers.

Our goal is to build long term relations with all stakeholders; customers, society, employees and suppliers. We do this by always focusing on delivering the right quality and investing in our environmental and sustainability work.


We coordinate quality policy with internal and external environmental policy. Quality and environmental considerations are a priority in our improvement work, which characterizes the work in all business areas.

The company’s greatest environmental impact is emissions to air from transport and the use of electricity.

We will:

Code of conduct

We have documented our business ethics principles in a common code of conduct, a documentation of values ​​and promises that describe our rules of the game, how we are all expected to act in an ethical, environmentally and socially responsible manner.

Contact us

Inducore manufactures metal products as a subcontractor for, among others, the automotive industry, in CNC controlled machines.

In the area of component manufacturing, Inducore´s operative units offer partial and total solutions for machining and sheet metal working. Operations include cutting, welding, systems assembly, contract manufacturing and logistics solutions.