Medical parts come in a variety of materials and end products. It can be steel, plastic, aluminium, brass or other different materials. These parts have high demands regarding quality documentation and also needs to be absolutely burr free.
The volumes for this segment are from a single part up to 5 000 pcs/year.
Base plate
Valve part
Air unit
Skilled personnel
The parts delivered to the medical industry are often complex and with narrow tolerances. A good relationship with the customers is crucial to be a reliable supplier towards this industry.
We always check the parts in coordinate measuring machines and use gauges and other measuring methods. Measuring data and certificates if needed – is another given service.
In order to reach the correct quality level and secure burr free parts it is the operator’s responsibility to check each part delivered. We have invested in high accuracy CNC machines in order to get the quality secured from machine and we can also offer TEM (thermal deburring) in house, when the absence of burrs is critical. But, our biggest investments are actually made in our skilled staff.
Contact us
Inducore manufactures metal products as a subcontractor for, among others, the automotive industry, in CNC controlled machines.
In the area of component manufacturing, Inducore´s operative units offer partial and total solutions for machining and sheet metal working. Operations include cutting, welding, systems assembly, contract manufacturing and logistics solutions.